365 Days

I have been your personal body guard for 365 days.  The longest I’ve been apart from you is 12 hours.  I’ve never gone a night without you there.  It is a thankless job, but one I will continue to do for the rest of my life.  You have now been alive in the outside world for one whole year.  It is a job that I love, but one I must admit can be exhausting at times.  There are moments you are sleeping and I already miss you.  It’s only been a couple hours, but I’m so used to you being there.  You have an infectious laugh and an infectious smile.  I am thankful for both of those.  You are sweet, you are silly, you are quick to learn and you muck food like your mama, but you wear it like your daddy.


In 365 days, you have taught me a different kind of love.  You have taught me patience.  You have taught me to be present and enjoy the moment, because they don’t last forever.  In 365 days you have helped me smile more, laugh more and love love love more.


In 365 days you have also caused me to cry more, to go hungry more, and to crave me time more.  For 365 days, you have been attached to me.  I have been there to greet you, every time you woke up, I have kissed you good night, every time you went to sleep, and I have treasured every moment when you fell asleep in my arms.


In 365 days I have witnessed all your first milestones.  Your first smile, your first laugh, your first noise, your first time in a swing, your first swim, your first word, your first sit, your first crawl, your first food.  For 365 days you have been my reason.  My reason to laugh more and love more.  My reason to be better and do better.  You are an incredible blessing, and I may have to remind myself that sometimes at 2am when you are crying and won’t sleep, but it’s always worth it in the end.


You have been alive for 365 days and I can already tell how big your heart is.  I can already tell how sweet your soul is.  365 days and I already know you’re going to do amazing things.  365 days. I am honoured.


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