We are one week away from hitting 15 months.  I look back at photos and videos of Maverick and he looks like a whole new tiny human.  He has a personality, he is saying words, he can walk holding onto furniture or using his walker and he almost has all of his teeth in, 8 on the bottom and 6 on the top.  The best part right now, he’s finally sleeping through the night!  We switched his nightly sleep schedule to 7pm – 7am and he still takes one 3hr nap during the day!

He has a silly and sweet personality.  He loves to give hugs, but only to all of his Teddies and him Mummy.  He still says ‘nono’ if someone else asks for a hug, I think Daddy has only gotten one hug so far in the 3 weeks he’s been giving them.  He brushes his teeth and ask to go do it by sticking his finger in his mouth and rubbing it along his teeth.  He has learned to ask for ‘more’ in sign language and relates this action to asking for food or signifying he is hungry.

We are still nursing, only 4 times a day.  We nurse to go to sleep and we nurse when we wake up.  Sometimes we skip a nursing session when waking up if he doesn’t want it.  I’m ready to officially wean, but he is the PICKIEST eater!  I have never been so frustrated on a daily basis, trying to feed a child, who is asking for food, but refusing everything.  He loves toast, but it’s not something I want to feed him all the time.  He might love a fruit today, but then won’t ever touch it again.  I throw more food in the compost right now which kills me, because food ain’t cheap!

I have started to follow a couple accounts on Instagram with regards to feeding your toddlers and it seems like the struggles I’m having are normal.  My bigger struggle is, I’m not looking to wean Maverick and put him onto formula or another milk instead.  I just want to switch him to water and ensure he is getting enough nutrients through his foods.

What makes it more frustrating is, I try to plan what I feed him, but then he refuses it and continues to ask for food.  I have to start from scratch and make something new and during that waiting period, he just moans and whines behind me because I cannot make something else appear instantly.  #thestruggleisreal


I got a suggestion from another Mama about giving him a dip for his food.  I didn’t have anything non-dairy so I threw some peanut butter on his tray with broccoli and cauliflower.  He ate the peanut butter no problem.  I rolled the veggies in the peanut butter to see if we would then eat them, he essentially sucked it off and left the veggies behind.  #facepalm

Maverick is waking up from his nap and is going to want something to eat, wish me luck in the guessing game!