Placenta Encapsulation & Healing

Happy New Year!

These blogs are getting harder to write because my available time is now limited.  I spend half my day in bed, literally.  The baby has a great sleep schedule right now (at night) and I am taking advantage of that.  He sleeps for 8hrs at night, usually 8pm-4am or 9pm-5am, wakes up for a feed and goes back down for 2-4 more hours.  Unheard of right!?  He’s just hit the 2 months mark.  There was a week he was going down at 5pm-1am, that was a little bit rougher.  Daddy had to start getting up with him in the mornings before work to help mummy get a little bit more sleep.  Daytime napping is hit and miss.  Sometimes he sleeps for hours and sometimes I’m lucky if he goes down for a half hour.

Goose reminding me she needs attention too

Breastfeeding Update

We’ve officially got him on the boob without a nipple shield!  I went back to the breast feeding clinic (Amazing ladies there!), highly recommend for any new or returning breastfeeding mamas!  They are so knowledgeable on everything!  They helped me get him on the boob without a nipple shield.  In our learning process at home, we did have two incidents where he made me bleed.  He didn’t always get a good latch, and trying to break that suction can be difficult with a determined, hungry baby.  This did cause me a bit more anxiety in the beginning with breastfeeding and I did go back to pumping a bit more afterwards and kept him on the boob part-time.


Milk Drunk

Now we are on the boob full time with no issues.  As he has been sleeping for 8hr stretches, I do wake up in the middle of the night to pump in between.  I’m trying to sleep through the night in order to help my sleep schedule.  The only concern with that is that I wake up quite full of milk and I’m nervous to loose my milk supply a little bit.  At night is when your supply is the highest so I’m losing that whole feed of milk to put in the freezer bank for a potential later date if needed.  I will look to donating my milk supply if I do not get to it.

Still eating for Two

I cannot believe how hungry I am right now.  I think I’m eating anywhere between 2500-3000 calories a day thanks to breastfeeding.  It has been a struggle to actually make food with him not napping during the day and being as fussy as he has been lately.  I have been eating all the things I never ate before getting pregnant.  All the empty carbs I hate, granola bars, crackers, chips, bread, whatever I can quickly shove in my mouth during a walk by.  With him being as fussy and clingy as he has been, it’s been extremely difficult to eat or eat properly.

Placenta Encapsulation

During our birth plan meeting, one of the questions was if we wanted to keep the placenta or not.  My husband was the one who stepped forward and said he wanted to keep it, just because he thought it was interesting.  I had never thought about keeping it, but after that decision was made, I looked into placenta encapsulation.  I found a lady in our region who does it the day after you leave the hospital and she comes to your house to complete he process over two days. So I scheduled her in!


Placenta Encapsulation

In reading up on benefits of it, it’s a natural, holistic approach and helps with things such as hormonal balancing, postpartum depression, breast milk supply and energy.  The lady came to my house and took over my kitchen.  It took 3 hours each day.  On the first day, before starting the dehydration process, she made a beautiful artwork out of the placenta.  Then she cut it up, put it in a dehydrator.  The next day she came back and put it into capsules.  She also made a tincture withe umbilical cord in vodka.  I’m not sure I will ever try it, but I have it for future, just in case.  She also made an artwork out of the umbilical cord in the shape of an M for Maverick.

I didn’t take them for the first two weeks out of the hospital.  I was nervous to try them at first.  It was mentioned that they may make you run hot and I was already suffering with profuse sweating and I also just didn’t know what to expect.  Finally, after week two, my husband said I needed to start taking them immediately because I was all over the place emotionally.  We both noticed a difference immediately.  I’m happy I did it, I’ve got energy and my emotions are finally balanced.  I wasn’t eating in the beginning because my hormones were so all over the place my brain said I wasn’t hungry but my stomach said I was starving.


My Placenta


My body is still healing.  I was wearing a band around my stomach full time, but I’ve had to stop as my incision got infected and the band was irritating it more.  I  popped a stitch and that’s where the infection set in.  It was a little on the painful side, and I couldn’t wear bottoms of any sort and was living in a nightgown.  I started treating it with castor oil and wearing castor oil packs nightly.  It’s healing up now and I’ve also heard the castor oil will help with the scar tissue.

Goose reminding me she needs attention too!

I am still suffering from the Diastsis Recti.  When I was first diagnosed I had a 3-4 finger separation in my stomach.  After wearing the belt for a couple of weeks and attempting to follow a rehab regime I’m down to a 1 1/2 -2 finger separation.   I still require a stool to get in and out of bed and I do feel it if I try to use my abs to sit up.  I’m hoping to get back to the physiotherapist soon to have a followup.

I am experiencing a bit of pelvic floor pain.  During the labour process, the Doctor flipped the baby inside me.  This I believe it was caused the excessive bruising and swelling I experienced and I believe is the reason for the discomfort/pain I’m now feeling.  I’m hoping this is something I can just massage/stretch out and will heal quickly.


Grandma to the Rescue!

We are officially 5 weeks postpartum and I’m finally starting to feel like a real human again.  Where I was at 2 weeks ago, I think is where most people are at after having a regular delivery and being discharged from the hospital.  The first 4 weeks were extremely tough, but I’m happy to feel more independent now.  That’s not to say I’m not still having challenges as I definitely am.Snapchat-1695361044.jpg

Once my husband went back to work after a month, my mom was able to come down for a week.  I was still in recovery mode and she was able to help me with the baby and around the house.  She was an incredible support and loved spending time with the little man.  She wanted to do all the feeds, diaper changes and baths.  She loved dressing him up and putting him to sleep, she was a smitten Grandma!  I also got a lot of home cooked meals while she was here.

We took him out quite a bit as he loved to sleep as soon as he was in the car seat and he would stay sleeping for hours.  We could go shopping or sit down at a restaurant with no worries at all.  People were surprised to see a newborn baby out and about, but even more surprised at how calm he was.

Tongue Tied

While she was here, we booked an appointment to see a Pediatrician as we were sure the little guy had a tongue tie.  Mom came with me to take him in and I told her that if he did have a tongue tie and they needed to snip his tongue, I would have to leave the room because I would cry and she needed to stay with the baby (whose the real baby here!?).  Sure enough, he was double tongue tied.  He had a posterior and anterior tongue tie and they had to give him multiple snips.  He was a champ about it, cried for a minute until I got him a bottle (immediately) and then he slept and it was like nothing happened.  I feel like I experience more anxiety and pain from thinking about it, than he does from actually going through it.


After having his tongue tie snipped, you could tell he wasn’t used to having so much freedom with his tongue.  He had to learn how to drink from the bottle again.  He was spilling everywhere!  One thing that definitely improved was his ability to cry louder.  Now that he had movement in his tongue, those lungs sure sang when hungry!  He is the biggest Drama King when it comes to food, the second he decides hes hungry, he will scream until you silence him with a nipple in his mouth.  He will even drink milk cold if that meant he got it sooner.  I thought my cat was dramatic when he wanted food, but Maverick has made it his determination to outdo the cat for sure!

Breastfeeding Success!

We gave the little man a day to get used to his new tongue before trying the boob.  He wants to take to it, but he does get anxious when he can’t figure it out.  We did have success getting him on the boob with a nipple shield.  I was super excited about this!  He was still learning and fussing and I was learning too, but we had him on the boob part time and I was pumping part time.  Only took a month but we figured it out.  I did try without a nipple shield after a couple feeds but we weren’t having any success.  I will not lie, having him on the nipple is much more painful than pumping.  I did enjoy the relief I got from pumping part time.

Cloth Diapers

While Grandma was here we were able to switch from disposable diapers to cloth diapers.  We did disposable diapers and baby wipes for the first 4 weeks.  I did notice during that time that the diapers irritated his skin a little bit and we had to continue to use Vaseline on him.  I now make my own baby wipe solution and use my handmade baby wipes along with the new cloth diapers and we haven’t had any issues with rashes or irritation since.


I’m now doing laundry pretty much every day.  I was the cloth diapers every other day and so far it’s been pretty easy.  It’s all the same process as using disposable, I change the diaper and throw it in a diaper pail, I just take it from the diaper pail and put it in the wash instead of the garbage.  I will admit, I haven’t had to travel long distance or be out for more than one diaper change at a time, so I don’t know what that would be like.  I carry a travel sized wet bag that fits in my diaper bag and is specific for carrying around soiled cloth diapers.  There’s no major mess or smell I need to worry about.  Right now I do not need to rinse the diapers before throwing them into the washing machine.  Babies who are strictly fed Breast milk have very water soluble poops so his poop filled diapers can go straight in the washing machine. Once we start to introduce other foods, then I will have to rinse the diapers before washing them.  Luckily, there is a hose attachment that you can purchase that hooks up to your water line on the back of the toilet and you can rinse the diapers directly in the toilet.


One thing I was nervous to start was putting him on a soother.  It was suggested not to start this until we could get him on the boob as it may cause nipple confusion and make it harder for him to latch.  There are also a lot of mixed opinions on soothers and I hadn’t decided which way I wanted to go.  There were a couple of times when the baby was fussy and we couldn’t get him to settle, so we decided to give the soother a shot.  He took to it right away and it helped him to fall asleep.  He has not become dependent on them in any way and we only have to use it once in awhile when he’s having a hard time sleeping.  My mom said if he’s anything like his mummy, he will be dependent on a soother until he’s forced to be cut off as he’s getting too old for one! (hehe oops)





My Husband – My Hero

I felt the need to write this one because sometimes I feel like the husbands/new dads don’t always get the recognition they deserve. I would like to personally recognize my own husband for being an incredible support throughout my entire labour, delivery and recovery.

I would not have survived without him by my side and supporting me as much as he did. While we had no idea what to expect throughout this journey, he never skipped a beat. He has told me time and again, it was the hardest thing for him to watch me experience a labour like I did, but I never would have succeeded as far as I did if he wasn’t supporting me, encouraging me and physically helping me through it all.


While I have yet to hear another labour story as crazy as mine, I know it takes a lot for a husband to cross all boundaries to support his wife. My husband crossed those boundaries without a second thought. And he did it time and again, for days, while I recovered, and I love him more for that.

The second I entered that hospital, I was no longer independent. Again, without a second thought, my husband stepped up to the plate. He was by my side every second of my labour and tending to my every need. During the recovery, he wore himself thin, while he took care of myself, our son, our cats and the household.

I will admit I was beyond frustrated I was not able to do anything for myself and I got vocally frustrated. He took the brunt of that, and he did it gracefully. I apologized more times than I can count (and maybe it still wasn’t enough) because I knew I was being crazy and he was doing more than he could.  He stayed patient and understanding. He didn’t vocalize back (too much) and I am thankful for him.

When big changes are happening in our lives things can get a little crazy. When you bring a baby into this world for the first time, I don’t think you really know what to expect. Yes, you hear all the stories, and they’re all true. You have no idea what you’re doing, you’re sleep deprived and some days you wish you could take it back or just walk out or have a free moment, but you now have this amazing miracle starring up at you, fully dependent on you. You feel the guilt of those feelings and you almost feel selfish. That is postpartum.


Multitasking Daddy

While our spouses may never feel what we’re feeling while our hormones jump all over the map and we can’t control our emotions from one minute to the next, they still stand next to us. Through all my crazy, my laughing uncontrollably at nothing, to my crying over spilled milk (literally), he has been there for me. He has not blamed me, lashed back at me or called me crazy. He has supported me in every way I have needed and I could not be more lucky or grateful for him.

I can only hope all mothers and mothers to be, have the same (or similar) experience with their spouse as I have. And for those moms who do it alone, kudos to you. You are brave and strong and doing amazing!

Adenomyosis – My Final Verdict

So the underlying question was: Would Adenomyosis affect my pregnancy?  My answer: No.  I had a great pregnancy and I enjoyed being pregnant.

I think the better question is: Would Adenomyosis affect my delivery?  My Answer: Yes.

This is based on my personal experience alone.  While I was labouring, the Nurses kept asking me if I had scar tissue on my cervix.  I was saying, yes I have scar tissue, I can’t remember where exactly, but I do.  They believed the scar tissue was the reason I could not dilate.

One and two weeks postpartum

When I got home I looked over my notes from my original surgery that diagnosed me with Adenomyosis.  I have a fair amount of scar tissue, around my bladder, leading to my uterus and at the entrance of my vagina leading to my cervix. 

Because I had a c-section, I cannot try a VBAC (Vaginal Delivery After Csection) until 2 years have passed.  There is no guarantee I will succeed in a vaginal delivery.  Would I like to try it? yes 100%.  I mentally and physically prepared myself for a vaginal delivery, I painfully laboured for 28 hours before throwing in the towel.  After that, I know I could succeed without the drugs.  It’s just up to my body to allow me to do so.

I do not want to have another C-section.  The amount of issues/side effects my body and my baby now have from that are more than I anticipated.  I will talk about those in a new blog as I’m still learning and researching.  

During my next delivery (yes we are already planning the next one), if I do not dilate, I will skip the middle man of trying to be induced and go right to c-section.  I will be more prepared next time, just in case I do end in C-section again.  

Diastsis Recti

Not having help or the support needed after a C-section has been the hardest part.  I’ve also been diagnosed with Diastsis Recti, which is a tear in the abdomen. I went to see my Physiotherapist and she diagnosed me immediately.  She has me wearing a belt 24/7 for the first month and then I’m to go back to her to see how I’m healing.  As I do not currently have benefits until January, I’m going to wait the extra month to go back to visit.  I am able to rehab it but it will take a long time and it is delaying my ability to do any further physical activity.  Thankfully my husband has been around for the entire month to help during this recovery.  I still cannot sit up or carry my baby while he’s in the car seat.  

We are thankful to have a happy, easy going baby who only cries when he’s hungry and doesn’t stop until you feed him.  You do not get time to warm up a bottle.  We are thankful he sleeps like a gem and that mommy is finally on the mend!

Recovery – Post C Section in Hospital

Recovery from an unplanned C Section has been super hard. We were not prepared for the major surgery and the amount of recovery it would require. I’m a busy body and the last month of pregnancy was hard as I could barely move and I struggled with that. I felt like I didn’t have much freedom and was often saying how I couldn’t wait to get my body back so I could do things again.

Well, I didn’t get my body back. My reality became that I was more dependent than I have ever been before in my life, and that reality was hard. Now I had this gorgeous little baby, the prize we’ve all been waiting for, and I couldn’t be excited for him. I couldn’t hold him, I couldn’t get out of bed on my own to feed him, I couldn’t go to the washroom on my own. My independence was completely gone.

I was wheeled into my recovery room with my husband and baby in tow. Most of this time is still a blur for several hours after the C Section. My husband had to do everything while we were in the hospital. I think I may have slept off the drugs trying to feel better, as I don’t remember anything until that night.

Once the drugs wore off I wanted the catheter out as I could now feel it. The first nurse said ‘no’ I had to keep it in until the next day and I said there was no way I could sleep. I apparently had to deal. Sometime in the night I got a new nurse, and again I asked her if I could have it removed. She said yes, it should have been removed hours ago! She was an amazing nurse and I was sad I only had her the one night.

She removed it and one thing that I didn’t know would be a side effect is that I couldn’t feel if I had the urge to pee. The nurse knew I had a long 3 days and I needed my sleep. Once I finally fell asleep, she didn’t end up waking me up when she was supposed to, giving me extra time to sleep. Finally I woke up several hours later in the most excruciating pain ever. I was in tears, I didn’t know what was wrong. It felt like my incision had split open. My husband was out cold and I couldn’t wake him up. He’s been up for 3’days straight as well and his bed wasn’t next to mine given the tight quarters.

Losing Feeling in your Body

I buzzed the nurse and asked for help. She came and got me out of bed. It took a long time as I couldn’t sit up and every move I made hurt so bad. I had no pain killers in me because she never woke me up, trying to be nice and let me sleep. I cried the entire time she was getting me out of bed and she brought me to the bathroom. She told me the pain was my bladder and I told her she was wrong. I didn’t feel like I had to pee but that I had ripped my incision open.

We went to the washroom and there was a measuring cup in the toilet. Apparently they measure your first pee after surgery. It was a 2 litre measuring cup, and she helped me on the toilet and sure enough, I needed to pee. I peed more than 2 litres. The pain was so excruciating, I cried a bit more, and finally a bit of relief. The poor nurse felt so bad, she was trying to do something nice but it backfired and I suffered hard. It took about 5 minutes for me to get out of bed and walk 5 steps to the toilet. That’s how painful it was.

The urge to pee did not return. I wasn’t sure when it would. But after that experience, I had to time my washroom breaks. If I didn’t go every two hours, I would get excruciating pain in my incision that I would regret.

I’m no longer the patient

It was interesting to see how my care changed in the hospital from before baby was born, to after baby arrived. While I was in labour and delivery, I was the patient. All the staff were amazing and I was tended to constantly.  After Baby arrived and I was moved to the other side, I was no longer a patient, the baby was. I was just the person who got him here.

My care was over, even though I just had major surgery and was in a 6 week recovery. The only care I got was pain killers that bunged me up soo painfully bad, the hospital wouldn’t give me anything to help other than Liptons Mint Tea. Well that didn’t help at all, I didn’t have a bowel movement the remainder of my time in the hospital.

I also had severe swelling all below my incision site.  Not one person took a look at it to ensure it was normal.  They just informed me it was normal.  It didn’t feel normal to me.  They wanted you on your feet often and to keep moving as that would help the healing process.  Every time you stand up, you have to stand straight up and stretch out your belly.  It is not an easy task, as you naturally want to stay keeled over with an incision this big.  Gravity was not friendly towards swelling and incision sites.  You really had to split your time between standing and laying down.  Sitting was the last thing you wanted to do.

More drugs in the System

Because I was running a fever during labour and delivery, I was to be hooked up to Antibiotics for 24hrs after the last time my temperature was back to normal and the fever broke.  That meant, antibiotics that flowed to my baby through what little breast milk I was able to supply him.  I myself, also do not take antibiotics, ever, so I begged to have them cut off. I was supposed to go two more 8 hour rounds of antibiotics and I said I’d like to have them stopped.  It was a big deal to do that.  They had to bring in a head nurse to have a huge conversation with me and I had to sign waivers saying I understood the risks I was putting on my body and the babies, should an infection take effect.  I agreed to everything and they disconnected the antibiotics.  I was grateful.

As I had just had surgery, I was also put on blood thinners.  It’s a needle they give you.  I had the student nurse give it to me in the back of my arm.  It was a quick shot, but it was painful.  It bruised really good and hurt to the touch.  The second day, the nurse came to give it to me an wanted to give it in my stomach.  She said that would be less painful, but to be honest, I’m not sure it was.  Again, I bruised really good from this tiny needle.

Drugs put in my system while in the hospital:

New Epidural – C Section
Blood Thinners

No food for several days, and it’s a wonder I was sick to my stomach.  All the reasons why I just wanted a natural birth.  My husband had to remind me that if this was 100 years ago, I would have been one of those women who probably would have died during child birth.  We are thankful there are interventions available to us but I’m pretty sure the amount of drugs they pumped me full of, made my recovery harder and not easier.

I just wanted to Breastfeed

They give you 24hrs to get your first feed into your baby. I was desperate to breastfeed, I didn’t want to do formula. This was my first baby and I’ve never done this before. Well, I couldn’t pick up my own baby, I couldn’t hold my own baby, I couldn’t sit up and feed my own baby. The surgery and incision and pain were preventing me from properly holding my baby and getting him to latch.  I was also on Oxycontin and advil which were affecting my milk supply.

I made every effort to breast feed still. I had what felt like 20 nurses and student nurses come in to tell me their own way on getting him to latch. We had no success. 24hrs was up and we had to give him formula. I didn’t want to pump either for the first couple of weeks but again, I had no choice. I had to start pumping what little milk I was producing. So baby was getting a bit of both.

I continued to try to get him to latch before every feed but he would go into a screaming fit. He couldn’t figure it out and it made him anxious. He didn’t want to keep trying. So I would pump and he would eat a bit of both formula and milk.

There was no breastfeeding consultant available to us while in the hospital. Why this service isn’t available until after you are discharged from the hospital, is beyond me? They said we had to wait to be discharged and the breastfeeding clinic would reach out to us to see about an appointment. We didn’t want to wait, so my husband called and booked the appointment immediately for when we would be discharged. They were so impressed by us doing so!


Comfort Out the Window

The mesh underwear they provide you in the hospital after a C Section are a God send. You need them as they come above your scar. I asked for a second pair because the first pair can only last so long and i got a hard ‘No’ from the nurse on duty. I asked why and the nurse told me they’re too hard to come by.  They wanted me to switch to my own underwear.  This is an unplanned C Section, my underwear are not conducive to incisions that sit on the underwear line and now I’m being told I have to wear my own underwear. Q the pain killers.

I was finally given the all clear to have a shower on the day I was to be discharged (Halloween)! Yaaaa! 4 or 5 days with no shower, was a long time for me. I can go without washing my hair, but I have to shower every day. It felt glorious, and I did not want to get out!

We missed Halloween

We were supposed to be discharged from the Hospital on Wednesday.  We couldn’t wait to get out of there, our neighbors that we shared a room with both snored and when you have to get up every two hours and then try to fall back asleep to that, it’s impossible.  Before we could leave, they needed to run tests on the baby. They did his hearing test which came back perfect, and then they had to do all the blood tests.  We were supposed to get the blood work back that morning but something happened, and they said they wouldn’t have the results until 6pm that night.

My husband set me up after a pump and feed, so baby and I could nap while he ran home to figure out what to do with our Halloween candy as we lived in a kid populated neighborhood. The neighbours offered to help us out and my husband put a cute little sign on the door about us having a little pumpkin of our own in the hospital. I needed a nap so badly.  As my husband left and I finally got comfy, the husband showed up with their two other kids and it was chaos in the room. I was going crazy, I was crying, I was delusional and tired, and they were running wild.

Then I had a Social Worker come visit me.   I was so tired but I couldn’t sleep so she had to talk to me about a bunch of things before they could agree to discharge me from the hospital.  This is one service I will say I think is great that they do in the hospital.  She wanted to make sure that if we left, we would have support and be all set up at home.  She was concerned about my well being, stress, postpartum and if I would have extra support at home.  She went over different help lines I could call if I was feeling any postpartum depression.  We had no support going home, it was just going to be My Husband and I as my Mom had to leave.  We just believed that once we didn’t have 100 people surrounding us, we would be able to focus and get a routine going.

Another Delay

The Baby’s blood work got delayed again and they were preparing us to have to stay overnight again.  We did not want to stay at all.  We just so happened to know the Head Nurse coming on shift next and she was kind enough to discharge us once the blood work came back all good!  We were exhausted and I think she knew what she was saying to us was barely registering. We just needed our own bed and no distractions every hour.

She wrote me a prescription for Percocets and we had to rush to Walmart to fill it before the pharmacy closed. We got out of the hospital around 930pm on Halloween, and didn’t get home til around 1030.

Things we are Thankful For during our time in the Hospital 

  • We did not have to the Vitamin K shot
  • We did not have to do the eye ointment
  • They allowed us to delay the antibiotics while baby was still in me
  • They did respect my wishes to attempt a natural labour
  • They let me labour longer than they should have
  • I did not have to get the Rhogam shot!  (baby was also RH Negative)  WOOT!
  • They allowed us to go home when we should have staye
  • Our baby didn’t end up in the NICU, when under other circumstances he probably would have
  • Our baby is alive and healthy (he does have breathing issues which I will talk about later, now that I’ve done research on c-section side effects on baby)IMG_9105

Labour & Delivery – A Record Breaker

It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for!  Baby Magnus to finally make his grande entrance into this world, and what a grande entrance he made!  This is a long story so buckle down, get your pot of coffee ready and be prepared if you want all the details of my epic journey to bring this little man into this world.


Last baby bump photo – October 23rd, 2018

Avoiding Induction

We officially made it to 41 weeks and 5 days before Baby Magnus made it into the real world.  My Dr. wanted to induce me but I was still adamant that I wanted to try to have this baby naturally.  So the full moon and the acupuncture didn’t have an effect in bringing on labour.  My mom was down for the week, thinking Baby would be here by now, so she could help me out. She was scheduled to leave on Sunday and had a flight going out on Monday.

So we went to the Mall on Saturday and tried to walk as much as possible to get this baby moving.  It may have worked, as soon as we got back from the Mall, I started to feel more intense cramping, or what I would say are official contractions.  We were all getting excited and we had to head to the hospital for the stress test and the results of the ultrasound.

Once we got to the hospital, the contractions were more frequent, still far apart, and bleeding had officially started.  I thought for sure I was going to sit on the bed and be told I’m already so far dilated and Baby is coming soon.  I informed the Dr. of my new symptoms and they still had me complete the stress test, which came back perfect.  Baby was super happy and cozy in there, and the ultrasound results stated the same. Baby was still getting all his needed nutrients and he wasn’t too big.  The Dr. inspected me to see if we were dilated and the results were… 0cm dilated and cervix was still not fully moved forward.

In order to not be induced, we had to agree to go back to the hospital every day to complete the stress test so we booked our next appt. for the following morning at the Ajax hospital.  It was not the hospital we wanted to deliver at but we were wrapping our heads around the fact that it may just happen.

So we head home and contractions start to get stronger.  We started to officially track them around 7pm and they were about 15-20mins apart but long.  I didn’t get much sleep overnight as my contractions sped up and by 6am we were within the 3-5 min apart mark, and the contractions would last for 1-2 mins which seemed unnatural.  So we got up, had a shower, packed everything into the card and head to the Oshawa hospital.

Breaking the Rules

So we walk into the wrong hospital.  I’m contracting frequently and head to the Labour and Delivery Ward.  The nurse working at that time, is not impressed to see me walk into the wrong hospital.  I had to give my excuse for walking into Oshawa instead of the Ajax hospital, thankfully I didn’t have to fake contractions as I was contracting while they were talking to me at the counter.  They said I could head to the triage room, they would strap me in for 20 minutes to monitor Baby and check how far dilated I was.  I ended up being strapped up in the triage room for an hour and a half as they had to go do an emergency c-section.

I hadn’t eaten anything since the night before so Matt got me egg on an English muffin.  Took me about an hour just to eat that, due to the frequency of the contractions and how long they were lasting.  The Dr. finally came back and checked me to see how far dilated I was… 1cm.  I literally started to cry through the next contraction.  How could I have been having such intense and long contractions and still not dilate?  The Dr. didn’t want to admit me yet because I wasn’t dilated and offered me to walk the hospital or go home to labour further.  We decided to labour around the hospital, however, when I went to walk anywhere it triggered a contraction.  Anytime I sat in a upright position it triggered multiple contractions in a row.  Needless to say, washroom breaks became awful.

We never made it out of the triage room to labour around the hospital.  The nurse came in to ask if I wanted any pain meds and I said no thanks.  She litterally laughted at me, rolled her eyes and said “okay” as if to say good luck!  I was not impressed and asked her why she said it that way and she said, “everyone asked for drugs in the end”, already dismissing my attempts at a natural labour.  I think we laboured in the triage room for a couple hours before they finally offered me a birthing suite.  Before doing so, the Dr.came to check me again, still 1cm.

Birthing suite

We are moved to the farthest corner of the hospital which was nice as they respected my desire to labour naturally.  I’m now about 16hrs into labour and still can’t dilate.  So we tried to kick it up.  I walk/lunged the hallways several times, triggering contractions every other step.  I’d have my arms around my husbands neck while I tried to breathe through and the Doula and my mom would put pressure on my hips and preassure points to help alleviate the pain.  Then I would labour on the exercise ball and have a couple contractions before switching it up again.  I would do a couple contractions in the squatting position and do some seated on the toilet.  I never laid in bed to contract for probably the first 20 hours.

Finally my body was exhausted.  I was working off adrenaline and couldn’t stop shaking.  I couldn’t eat anything but kept up my water consumption.  I had to lie down, so I laid in bed and was able to doze off for 1 min between contractions.  The Doula stayed by my side the entire time helping me though each one.  Matt and my mom had to take a break and they finally went and got some food.

Breaking the water

Finally 8pm Sunday night, rolls around and the Dr. Comes to see me.  We are 27 hrs into this natural labour, with unnaturally long and painful contractions felt in the back and tummy.  I’m feeling delusional and exhausted at this point, I hate looking at the clock and feeling like I haven’t progressed.  I’m begging for good news, we have to be sooo close, he checks to see how far dilated I am, 3-4cm.  I felt soo defeated.  You should be dilating 1cm every 2 hours and I just went 27 with barely making 4cm.  I looked at my husband and tears started to well in my eyes, how could this be happening?

So the Dr. Suggests we break the water.  He warned us that this may cause more painful contractions because we lose the water barrier and now it’s just the baby’s head pushing on my pelvis, but it should help speed up labour.  Before making this decision, they informed me the Anesthesiologist was on the floor so if the pain was too bad, we could get the epidural right away.  So we agreed to breaking the water in hopes to progress the labour.

As soon as my water is broken, the pain intensifies.  I was exhausted and struggling before, now I felt almost paralyzed.  I was dying and just turned to my husband crying and said, ‘I can’t go any longer, I can’t take this pain, my body is exhausted, I need the epidural.’  He was so supportive and reassured me that it was okay.  I’d put in a damn good shift and Baby was stuck and there was nothing we could do about it.  We called the Nurse back and she told us she was misinformed and the Anesthesiologist wasn’t on the floor yet, he would be up in 15 mins, but was headed to another room first and then would be in.

I thought I was going to die, literally.  I didn’t think I would make it any longer.  During these unbearable contractions, I got back out of bed and we tried some new positions to labour in.  I was shaking uncontrollably and had the cold sweats going. We tried a couple different positions to try to get the baby to turn and move down. I had to wait an hour before the Nurse came in to prep me for the anesthesiologist.  She said he would be right in.  She had me sitting up, if that wasn’t painful before, it was permanent contraction this time.  Then she found out he wasn’t ready for me yet, so I had to stay in my seated position for 10 mins or so contracting in the most ridiculous pain ever.  I think I almost broke my husbands neck or shoulders or arms just from squeezing him so much.

Finally the Anesthesiologist came in and said I needed to sit still.  They were trying to wait between contractions but they were back to back and wouldn’t stop.  So he told me to not move as he had to do it while I was contracting.  It was so scary and hard, the second he put the needle in, he hit a nerve and I went completely numb all the way down my left leg to my toes.  I was starting to panic, but couldn’t move, he reassured me that was normal and wouldn’t cause any further issues.  9pm Sunday night and I finally get relief.  I can breathe again and I’m now locked into my bed with the monitors on me.  I lasted 28hrs of natural labour with unusually long and painful contractions.

They hoped the epidural would help relax me a bit and allow my contractions to go naturally and continue to speed up the process.  I was able to get a little bit of sleep finally, so were my mom and husband.  They came and checked my vitals every 15 minutes and I could still feel some contractions but I was able to breathe through them now.  I had to keep rotating because you’re not allowed to be on your back, the epidural works with gravity so the side I was sleeping on would go numb, but I would feel all the pain on the other side.  My amazing Doula, never slept the entire time.  She was always by my side helping me through the pain, reassuring my family and I.


Finally the epidural has kicked in and I can breathe again

3:15am Monday morning, the Dr. comes back in to check to see how I’ve progressed, 6hrs after getting the epidural, and we’re only at 6cm.  My mom has stayed by my side this entire time.  She slept a bit through the night after I was able to relax and had leave at 4am as she was flying out.  We said our goodbyes and I told her the baby should be here before she flies out and I would face time her.  Matt walks her out and we rest a bit more.

At 6:30am Monday morning, they come to check me again.  My contractions are starting to slow down and are 3-5 mins apart, when they should be 2 mins apart.  We are still at 6cm and have not progressed any overnight.  The Dr. discovers the baby is Posterior and has not rotated to face down as he should have while coming down the birth canal.  The baby is also putting extra pressure on my lower back, and these are why my contractions are abnormal and painful.

The Dr. wants to give me Oxytocin to help speed up the contractions.  Yet another intervention I was looking to avoid.  We are about 36hrs into labour at this point and not progressing at all.  After another good little cry, we don’t know what else we can do so we agree.  I get hooked up to the drip and at 6:50am, the Baby’s heart rate starts to drop on the monitor, the alarms start going off and the entire staff rushes into the room.  I was scared, but didn’t want to panic.  In my head I thought for sure they were about to wheel me away for an emergency C-Section.  They wake the Dr., shut the Oxytocin off, move me into a new position and things start to calm down.  Dr. says we are all good, and we will just keep an eye on the monitors.

8am Monday morning comes around and a new Dr. is on shift.  We have now been in the hospital for 25hrs and labouring for 37hrs.  The new Dr. is amazing, she checks me out to see how far dilated I am and we’ve only made it to 8cm.  The Dr. is preparing me for the possibility of a C-Section as my water has been broken for so long, my contractions have slowed down and baby is not progressing.  I ask for a little bit longer and she agrees, as long as both Baby and my vitals stay good.

10am Monday morning and the Dr. comes back to see if we’ve finally made it to 10cm.  We are still sitting at 8cm and baby is still posterior.  She asks if she can try to turn baby with her hand but warns me that he may flip right back around.  I agreed as it was worth a try if that might help me get to 10cm.  She was able to flip baby but as she suspected, he flipped right back around.

The C-Section

11:30am Monday morning, the Dr. comes back in.  One last check to see if we’ve progressed otherwise my time is up and we have to move to the operating table.  She checks me again, 8cm.  I have no choice but to go for a C-Section, Baby is stuck.  I cried so hard, I felt like such a failure I had put in all this time and effort in, to do whatever I could to have a natural birth and here I am, I had to get the Epidural, Oxytocin, and am now having to be wheeled off to the operating table for a major surgery.

11:45am Monday morning, they discover I’m running a fever of 102 degrees.   They want to hook me up to antibiotics immediately and we begged them to wait.  Everything that was being put into my body, was being put into Baby’s body.  If I could avoid anymore, I wanted to.  They were so good about it, they agreed not to start the drip until the first cut of the C-section.  The Dr. also said she would check my one more time on the operating table before the first cut.  If I had made it to 10cms, we were pushing in the operating room.

I’m separated from my Husband and Doula and wheeled off into the operating room.  My husband isn’t allowed into the room while they prep for surgery.  The anesthesiologist hooks me up to the new epidural and I can feel the ‘ice’ running down my back. I’m laying on the table for several minutes before the Dr. comes in.  She checks me one last time… 8cm.

They do the first cut and my husband still isn’t in the room.  I start asking for him and finally they bring him in.  It sounds like everything is going well, I’m really drugged up at this point and much of this is a blur to me.  My husband has filled in the blanks for me.  The Dr.’s were preparing to take the baby out, and they said ‘Here he comes!’ and then you just hear panic in the room.  The baby does not come out.  All of a sudden I can’t breathe.  My husband is holding my hand trying to coach me through my breathing and I tell him, I literally can’t breath.  They are pushing on my diaphram, it feels like they’re about to break my ribs or sternum.  There is an unbelievable amount of pressure.

There’s panic on the other side of the curtain but we have no idea what is going on.  Finally after several minutes I hear them say ‘There’s baby, Oh baby just pee’d in mummy, oh, baby just pooped in mummy’.  They flash the baby around the curtain, I don’t get to do skin to skin.  We still do not know what is going on.  They run the baby across the room and my husband turns to me and say’s ‘They just cut the cord!”.  We still haven’t heard baby cry.  I’m shaking uncontrollably on the table from the drugs, and I tell him to go.  Be with the baby and make sure everything is okay.  The Dr.s are not following the birth plan at all and are not telling us why.

Finally, I hear a cry and my heart skips a beat.  I still can’t stop shaking, I’m soo dizzy and I think I’m going to pass out or throw up.  Finally my husband comes back after several minutes and tries to make light of the situation.  He say’s to me ‘Bad news Babe, he’s a Ging.’  (The running joke throughout the pregnancy)  While my husband was over with Baby, all the alarms were going off and there were about 4 people working on him.  Baby ended up coming out breached (butt up, face down) and needed to be resuscitated.  My husband is pretty sure, based on what he was hearing, that when they were taking Baby out, he slipped and fell back into mummy face down.  That’s where the panic, breach and resuscitation came from.

Baby is alive and good.  Both baby and daddy leave the room while the doctors put me back together.  I continue to shake on the table uncontrollably and look around the room trying not to be sick.  I haven’t eaten in days and I have more drugs in my system then I ever thought I would.

After I’m done being sewn up, they wheel me into a recovery room where my Husband is doing skin to skin with Baby.  I want to look at him, to hold him, but my body says otherwise.  I’m happy my husband is there to do it for me.  He tries to show me baby and I can’t even look.  I told the nurse I needed a puke bucket immediately and started to throw up.  I think I passed out in this recovery room for most of the hour we had to wait in there to make sure I was okay before we could be moved to the other side of the baby unit to be cared for.


Daddy and Baby doing skin to skin


Mummy finally feels okay enough to hold her baby Boy 

Maverick Paul Magnus (MPM the 3rd) was born at 13:13 on October 29th, 2018, weighing 8lbs, 4oz and 22″ long.


40 Weeks – Where’s Baby?

We are pushing 41 weeks and still no signs of baby wanting to make an appearance!  He is sitting super comfy in there, even if his head is jabbing my tailbone.  Back pain is getting worse and the pressure is more intense but still no signs of baby.  I’ve still experienced some cramping but nothing major.

40 week appointment we still had no dilation, posterior cervix but the cervix was still soft and shorter than the previous week.  She mentioned that she could not do a stretch and sweep because I was not dilated, but the week before she mentioned she was going to and did something with the membranes?  I’m a bit confused now.  As we hit 40 weeks and still no movement, she said I needed to go for an ultrasound to make sure everything is okay.  I will be doing the ultrasound tomorrow right before the OB appt. so I won’t have the results back from one before the other.  I was hoping baby would come before hand as I’m hoping to avoid another ultrasound.

Labour Inducing Acupuncture

She also mentioned that they want to induce me at 41 weeks and 3 days.  The thought of being medically induced still scares me.  In speaking with my Doula, we talked about doing Acupuncture to help naturally induce labour.  She explained to me that this is still a form of intervention and all the symptoms that I may experience from having acupuncture done.

In weighing my options of having to be medically induced at the hospital or try acupuncture to naturally start labour, I made the decision to try the acupuncture.  I explained to her that my lower back pain was next level lately and the pressure was strong.  She felt my back and believed the baby’s head was pushing against it.  She gave me an exercise to try and then we started the acupuncture.

After the session was done I came home and was instantly tired.  I went down for a nice long nap, woke up and felt better than ever!  The pain in my lower back had subsided which I’m hoping promoted baby to move down more.  It has been 24hrs since having it done and so far we have no extra movement happening.  She mentioned in most cases that something usually starts within 24hrs of having acupuncture done, but if Baby isn’t ready, nothing may happen.  Baby has decided he didn’t want to share a birthday with his daddy yesterday and is holding strong in his comfy lil womb.

Tomorrow I will visit the OB again for my 41 week appt.  I’m nervous as to what happens next.  Tonight is a full moon, so crossing fingers things start to happen!

I know someone who is really going to miss my belly but I’m excited to be able to wear my own clothes again and have my body back!


Hippie Mom – Who am I!?

While being off this summer, which I have enjoyed every minute of I’ve had a bit more free time to research, create and change things while preparing for this little ones arrival.  I’ve gone health nut, hippie mode (minus the ice cream and donuts that I’m enjoying).  Some days I don’t recognize myself.  It’s incredible how one can go from ‘never having kids’ to full blown ‘all natural mama’.  I wanted to share some of the things I’m doing thus far 🙂

Cloth Diapers

I have done extensive research on cloth diapers vs. disposable and have decided to go the cloth diaper route.  There are many reasons for this decision:

  • I am big on watching my carbon footprint.  30 Billion disposable diapers end up in landfills each year
  • It’s about $2500-$3000 for disposable diapers per child.  It’s about $500 to get set up with cloth diapers and that’s not per child.  That’s just it!
  • Chemicals!  Disposable diapers expose your baby to so many chemicals and carcinogens which can lead to health issues, rashes and allergic reactions


There are tons of different brands of cloth diapers and different styles.  I have decided on the Pocket Diaper and as Baby is sitting comfy in his little womb, I cannot yet say how the experience is but look forward to giving it a try!

Reusable Baby Wipes

I had no idea this was a thing until I took up sewing this year.  Pintrest can be a wonderful thing for discovering new ideas!  Once I discovered reusable baby wipes, I got to sewing.  I have no idea how many wipes I will need to make but I’ve made a bunch to start and as they’re one of the easier sewing projects I’ve done, I can easily make more as needed.

  • Again, watching my carbon footprint and having one less thing filling up our landfills
  • Easily made out of soft flannel and you can use whatever pattern you would like for them


I have yet to try them out so I cannot say how well they work but I’m hoping they work great!  (Appearance by Silly Little Goose)

Baby Wipe Solution

As we are doing reusable baby wipes, that means I have to make my own liquid solution for them.  I also need to use something that is cloth diaper friendly and cannot contain any harsh chemicals.  I cannot use off the shelf diaper creams, etc, but hopefully with cloth diapers and our own solution, we won’t have to worry about diaper rashes.

  • Environmentally friendly (Yaaaa!)
  • No chemicals
  • So easy to make (it’s only 4 ingredients)


Fragrant Free Household

We have been a fragrant free household for awhile now.  I found that I am sensitive to smells, perfumes, etc.  We have always used non-scented laundry detergent and fabric sheets.  As baby is getting closer to arrival, I have gotten a new laundry detergent that I will be trying out as we cannot use what we currently have with the cloth diapers.  I also discovered Wool Dryer Balls.  I recently got to try these out and have found they work great!

  • Dryer sheets transfer chemicals to your clothes which are then transferred to your body.
  • Dryer balls are chemical free
  • Dryer balls are environmentally friendly, can be used 1000 times and help speed up the drying process so you’re not running your machine as long
  • They are cloth diaper friendly 🙂
  • You can just add a couple drops of lavender essential oil to them for a nice little fragrance on your clothes


Personal Grooming Products

Yes I still dye my hair, but I’m making baby steps to still reduce the chemicals I put in/on my body.  I have not had a chance to try it yet, but I’ve just ordered a new Hair Care line called Monat.  I’m super excited to give it a go, and reading about it has made me super excited to switch and give it a try.  Did I also mention that I went from washing my hair every single day to washing it every 4 days or so! #sorrynotsorry

  • Waiting longer to wash my hair, my hair is not greasy, it’s softer, thicker and has stopped falling out
  • Monat says NO to Parabens, Sulfates, Cyclic Silicones, BHT, DEA/MEA, Polyethylene Glycol, Phthalates, Phenoxyethanol, Petrolatum, Mineral Oil, or Paraffin Wax, Triclosan, Plastic Microbeads, Formaldehyde Releasers

Have to even heard of half these ingredients?  I haven’t and I had to look some of them up.  These ingredients can be linked to cancer, skin tumors, asthma, birth defects, fertility issues, etc.  I personally have decided to try to avoid as many items with these ingredients as possible.


Since finding out I was pregnant I have started to make my own body lotion as well.  I absolutely love it and my skin has never felt softer or more moisturized. I used to have to apply hand cream multiple times a day and always kept one with me at all times.  Now, I apply once in the morning and that’s it.

Cleaning Supplies

Because I have always had cats, I have never used chemicals on my floors.  I have a steam mop and that is all I use to mop my floors.  I do use eco friendly chemicals on mirrors and bathrooms but that’s about it.  I’ve just ordered some Young Living Essential Oils and cleaning supplies.  I’m excited to make the switch (Not about actually having to clean)!


These are just some of the changes I’ve personally started to make.  I am still learning and am excited to continue to learn and  make more informed decisions for my family!

39 Weeks – Baby is happy where he is

The last 4 weeks have been crazy busy.  We are going to update this blog to today as I’ve had no time to sit down and focus on it.  I was sick for two weeks and was doing Epsom salt baths in hopes to help kick the sickness.  I think I really wore myself down with the amount of stress I had been facing, along with continuing to be a busy bee trying to get things done and not taking a break.

Hospital Tours

We’ve officially toured both hospitals and we are leaning towards the Oshawa Hospital, even though it’s not where we are supposed to go.  Yes, we’re sooo rebellious!  If for whatever reason we get turned away, then we get turned away.  We have been told they can’t turn us away if we are far enough along.  Each hospital gives off a very different vibe, Ajax is super small and sterile and Oshawa seems to have more to offer for labouring patients.

While at the Ajax hospital the Nurse was stating during the tour that Vitamin K shot was kind of mandatory.  I asked her what ‘Kind of’ meant and she stated only one other person had ever refused it and if we wanted to we need to be prepared to explain why, suggested we bring documentation backing our decision and that we would need to sign a refusal form.  She did say the lady who refused also refused the eye ointment and refused to sign the forms.  ‘Mandatory’ being a misused word again as we do have a right to make our own decision.

OBGYN Appointments

My 38 week appointment I had my first exam.   Cervix was shorter and soft but still closed.  Between 38-39 weeks I started to feel some cramping lower belly area which is a good sign as baby is preparing.  We were hoping for 39 weeks to have started to dilate but no such luck!  Baby is holding tight in there.  I did get the Stretch and Sweep done.  It’s just as exciting as it’s name.  I had no intentions of getting it done but the OB just did it.  It was super uncomfortable and I want to say painful but I feel like that isn’t a comparable pain to what I’m about to experience.

Needless to say, I’m officially terrified.  I am terrified of the pain and natural birth process.   I’m afraid I’m going to fail and not be able to bear the pain.  Otherwise, this little man is making me more uncomfortable than ever before.  Sitting, standing, laying down, walking.  None of it’s enjoyable at this point. I’ve been having awful sleeps lately and it’s causing me to stay in bed for 10-12hrs a day, something I’ve never done before.  My husband was kind enough to record me snoring as I told him I didn’t believe him! (I think it’s a fake video)

Now we’re on a waiting game.  In the meantime I will continue to work on getting all my home made things done.  Baby’s room is done as best as possible, but the nesting will not stop until baby is here!





34 Weeks – Birth Plan Complete

Birth Plan

My husband and I had our final appointment with the Doula to create our dream birth plan.  We informed her that we had just found out we would be delivering out of the Ajax hospital and not Oshawa.  In our discussions, she did explain that from what she has seen, Ajax may not always be as accommodating to my requests with my low invasive birth as Oshawa would be.  We discussed the birth plan in length which took about 2 hours. The birth plan provided by the Doula was very indepth which I enjoyed because it made us talk about things we never would have thought about otherwise.  I also had to fill out a separate birth plan for the Hospital which didn’t ask me a whole lot about what I wanted from my birth.

Pelvic Floor

I’m seeing the Pelvic Floor Specialist on a weekly basis.  She has been amazing!  As my due date is getting closer, I’ve been getting more anxious and nervous about everything.  She is constantly reminding me to breath and remember to relax my muscles.  There is still quite a bit of muscle tension down there that we need to work on, and she is not the least bit concerned for time of delivery.

OB Follow up

My next OB appointment, once again wasn’t the best experience.  Walking into the office, they do not look up to greet you or acknowledge your presence.  Once they are ready to acknowledge you standing at the counter waiting, they do not say hello they say ‘Name?’.  Then ‘Take your cup’ (I have to pee in a cup at each visit).  That’s the extent of it.  So I had my second visit and my husband was running a bit late.  I went into the room with the nurse and she instantly says to me ‘So did you find another OB?’ with a cool tone to her.  I told her ‘No, the Dr. said she would be reaching out to see if she could as it’s so late in the game.’  Needless to say the Nurse told me that’s not how this office works and I would have needed to find one myself.  I just looked at her and asked ‘Are you the one I was talking to on the phone?’.  These ladies are like ice.  I get on the table so she can do my exam before the DR. comes in and I took my glasses off my head and tried to toss them into my purse on the ground.  They bounced out and hit the ground.  She just turns to me with an eye roll and says ‘You didn’t have to throw them’ with a bit of attitude and picks them off the floor and puts them on the desk.

My husband finally walks in and the mood calms a bit.  I feel so unwelcome at my own OBGYN’s office because why?

  • I want to move offices to deliver out of my preferred hospital
  • I do not want to complete the Gestational Diabeties testing
  • I do not want any more ultrasounds
  • I declined the Strep B testing and will be declining the anti-biotics at the hospital
  • I want a more natural birth and do not want to follow the book that the hospital tries to force on you

The Nurse leaves and I told my husband what I just experienced.  I’m beyond frustrated at this point and can feel myself getting emotional and upset.

O- Discovery

As I leave the appointment, I get a phone call from my OB.  She had just noticed my blood type was O- and I did not get the RhoGam shot.  I informed her that I was not going to be getting it.  She informed me this is not something she is willing to compromise on and would like me to come in in person to discuss it next week.

I know my fight is not over.  This is just the OBGYN office.  I still have to go through all of this with the hospital as well.